Materials needed:
- Bug Symmetry Templates from Art for Kids
- Clear Acetate Sheet – A4 size
- Sharpie Pen – Black
- Gouache/Acrylic Paint
- Tape
To transfer the bug to the acetate, place the bug under the clear sheet and tape both to a window.

Use the sharpie to trace over the half bug. Next flip the bug template and lay the clear sheet over it, lining up with the half you have already drawn. Now trace the second half.

The light shining through the window will allow you to see the template, even though it is turned to the wrong side. Once the bug is complete you can remove the printed template. Now use the gouache/acrylic paint to fill in your creepy crawly.

Allow the paint to dry completely before removing your painting from the window. You will now have a lovely, translucent, sun-catcher painting to decorate your window!
I love the way wikipedia describs symmetry, “Symmetry in everyday language refers to a sense of harmonious and beautiful proportion and balance. In mathematics, “symmetry” has a more precise definition, and is usually used to refer to an object that is invariant under some transformations; including translation, reflection, rotation or scaling.”
Symmetry in nature is harmonious, and beautiful! Beetles are just one example of beautiful symmetry in nature.
Next time you are exploring nature, take time to appreciate the beautiful harmony, proportion and balance in what you see!
If you would like us to add your art to our gallery, just email through a copy to jo.mathinnature@gmail.com
Don’t forget our 2021 Art and Photography competition is open to Australian entries from Oct 22 to Nov 26. If you have had fun creating a Symmetrical Bug, you can enter it using the entry form HERE.
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