Welcome to another year of exploring the beauty of math in the world around us. I am looking forward to sharing our family’s math activities with you. Bookmark this page and come back each month to find free printables, activities and ideas to take your math outside. All the downloads are free for you to use with your family but…
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How Do Birds Fly?
One of Autumn’s remarkable seasonal changes is the migration of honeyeaters flying North for the winter from March to May. Look up in the early morning, and you may glimpse this season’s honeyeater migration. Their migration route depends on the availability of flowering plants, rainfall, or bushfire damage. We may wave goodbye to honeyeaters, but new feathery friends will fly…
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How do Spiders Make Webs?
Poetry is afresh morning spider-webtelling a storyof moonlit hours ofweaving and waitingduring a night. Carl Sandburg Love or hate them, arachnids play a vital role in controlling pests in the organic garden. Are you aware that Arachnologists have calculated that spiders eat more than 400 million tons of insects yearly? Impressive! There are spiders with the ability to capture insects in…
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173rd Playful Math Carnival
Entering into the Labyrinth of the World Wide Web can take you on an aMAZING journey into rabbit holes and unknown adventures. It’s easy to get lost clicking one link after another until you can’t remember what you were searching for in the first place. Hopefully, as you embark on this 173rd Carnival post you will be led down paths…
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Mathematics and Bird Feathers
We have all heard the expression “As Light as a Feather!” But how much does a feather actually weigh? I invite you to investigate Bird Feathers with us this month! In some areas, you are asked not to collect bird feathers so please check your local park rules before collecting any feathers for this investigation. If you’re unable to gather…
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How to Identify Spider Webs
… the web itself is a miricle. E. B. White | Charlotte’s Web Spiders are undoubtedly designed architects who engineer beautiful, dazzling, and intricate webs. Spiders use distinct patterns to design their webs according to their species. So, spider webs can be identified and matched to their maker. Earlier, we learned how spiders create webs. Now, we’ll find out how…
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Mathematics in a Spider’s Web
Logarithmic spirals… Geometry… Trigonometry… If I told you these things are beautiful would you believe me? Or would you have visions of high school textbooks and exams that made you cringe? Each time I see the exquisite beauty of dew on a spider’s web, I am awed that such a little creature can create a mathematical masterpiece! Engineers and scientists…
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Mathematics in a Sea Shell
Mathematics is the science that deals with the logic of shape, quantity and arrangement. livescience.com I like to tell my children that there is math all around us. We just need to open our eyes to see it. Our world is full of beauty and order. Sea shells are just one example. From their exquisite markings to their majestic spirals,…
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How are Sea Shells Made?
Did you know sea shells have fascinated people for centuries? An ancient shell collection was found in the rubble at Pompeii. One of the first currencies was a white shell known as the Money Cowrie. The small shells from the reef-dwelling algae eater were harvested in the Maldives and used as money worldwide. Rembrandt etched a Marbled Cone from his…
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How to Investigate Insects
“Children are encouraged to patiently and quietly watch until they learn something of the habits and history of bee, ant, wasp, spider, hairy caterpillar, dragonfly and whatever of larger growth comes in their way… Let all he finds out about be entered in his diary, by his mother if writing be a labour to him… Where he finds it, what…
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Becoming an Amateur Entomologist
There are more insects in the world than any type of animal. If you pay attention and observe the space around you, you will notice many different kinds. Bugs hum, buzz, and whiz about us in the suburbs, parks, farmlands, bushland, waterways, and everywhere. Creepy crawlies work hard pollinating blossoms, vegetables, fruits, and grains. Some of us hate them and…
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