This is the home of the Australian Nature Study Guide!
The Australian Nature Study Guide: A Weekly Observation of Australian Wild Life has been created from our family’s need to study nature science in our home country. We have strived to integrate subjects and ages to increase time efficiency and value.
I appreciate Charlotte Mason’s philosophy on education, but I had a hard time fitting it all into my schedule and remaining consistent. To include living books, poetry, picture study, and narration, I decided to incorporate these topics into nature study.
The guide can be used by all home educators regardless of a preferred style. It is flexible and easily tailored to your preference whether it be Charlotte Mason, Unit Studies, Unschooling, Project-Based, Classical or Traditional.
As a Christian, my writing is influenced by a Christian worldview. Please don’t be offended if you’re secular. You have the liberty to tailor the information to your family and personal beliefs.
We know how important it is to consistently point our children to the Master Artist who created all things. So, you’ll find scriptures to ponder and hymns to sing as we search for treasures.
We desire to serve families by guiding them through the seasons and sharing our research and adventures with you. We hope you’ll walk alongside us as we explore nature in this inimitable land.
The Nitty Gritty
The Nature Study Guide will walk you through weekly observations of nature in your backyard, park, bush, or ocean.
Read: Gain knowledge on the topic focused on for the week. You can choose to share it with your children or share the information as they ask questions.
Explore the topic further with internet tools.
Walk: enjoy a nature ramble in your nature spot.
Journal: capture your observations from the nature ramble in nature journals.
Read: a list of living books related to the topic is listed for convenience. This is also an opportunity to share the poem, scripture, and hymn with the children.
Study: A piece of art for observation.
Dig Deeper: with a list of activities for multi-aged students if they wish to dig deeper into the subject.
Notebook Pages: have been included for your enjoyment.
Homeschooling is a gentle amble for me since four of my five children are adults. I share my joy with things beautiful, good, and lovely with my grandchildren where I live contently with hubby in rural South Australia.
I’m blessed to have the opportunity to live this life with them and I’m counting each second as precious. In those rare moments when there’s time to breathe and cappuccinos and chocolate is bliss, I love to read, walk, and journal. Above all, I love my Saviour, and exploring His exquisite creation brings me much joy.

Since the beginning, our nature study resources have grown to include Biome Nature Guides, a selection of Identification Cards, Book Packs based on Nature Stories, and Math in Nature Guides.

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