NOW CLOSED! The Art and Photography Competition 2021 offers a great opportunity to showcase masterpieces of art created and photographs taken through the year by the whole family, including mum and dad. It’s a fun way to wrap up our nature study adventures for 2021.
The competition opens on 22nd October 2021 and will close on 26th November 2021. Winners will be announced on 3rd December 2021.
Table of Contents
Preschool (under 6), Lower Primary (6-8), Upper Primary (9-12),
Secondary (13-17), Adult – This includes mums and dads too.(AUSTRALIAN ENTRIES ONLY).
Start snapping those photographs, get out those paints to capture prints or send in an earlier masterpiece in any of these categories:
1. Feathers (anything to do with birds).
2. Camouflage/Hide and Seek
3. Creepy Crawlies
4. Bright and Beautiful
5. This Gives Me the Shivers!
Each age group will be awarded a first-place prize for Art and one for Photography. Runners up will receive a certificate. Winners and runners-up will be announced on 3rd December 2021.
Choose either the Art or Photography category.
Choose a theme.
Give your entry a title or caption.
Fill in the entry form provided below.
Email the entry form with your attached photograph or your scanned piece of art to:
All entries to be received by 26th November 2021.
Spread the word to your family, friends, nature and homeschool groups. We’re excited to see your awesome creations and captures!
Download your entry form. Multiple entries are welcome!
Photography Gallery
Daniielle, Adult Danielle, Adult Danielle, Adult Carolyn, Adult
Full Feathered FlightMilla, 11
Pelicans RuleMill, 11
Patient Pelicans Parked at the Peaceful RiverAdife, 12
Duck Duck Flower
Camouflage/Hide and Seek
Gabriella, 12
St Andrew’s Cross Spider Hiding in its WebAmelie, 6
Sticking Around
Creepy Crawlies
Danielle, Adult
Watch Your StepFelix, 10
Green Cicada Sits on the Old Gum TreeAbigail, 12
I Spy a Fly
Bright and Beautiful
Calvin, 11yrs Vivienne, 7yrs
The Blooming BrightnessZiggy Henry, 8
A Close Look into my Friend’s Bright, Beautiful, Brilliant and Blissful GardenNatania, 9
Frangipangi in My GardenSaoirse, 14
Just HangingEvangeline, 10
Beautiful Blooms
(In homemade vase)Celiea
Nature’s Firecracker
This gives me the shivers!
The Stalker and the Stork
Art Gallery
Do you need inspiration? Jo has a ‘feather masterpiece’ in mind for you with this Esher Inspired Parrot Art. Enter your masterpiece to win some great prizes.
Sarah, 10yrs
Two Wedge-tailed EaglesNoah, 6yrs
‘Mo-poke’Felix, 9yrs
The Lone RangerLouis, 8yrs
“I Spy a Lorri!’Lilliana, 6
The Rainbow-eyed OwlLilliana, 6
The Barn OwlLilliana, 6
The Night Sky OwlAddison, 7
Florence FlamingoNoor, 11
Crimson RosellaGrace Evans, 8
Backyard LorikeetChloe, 8
Crimson RosellaChloe, 8
Gang Gang CockatooChloe, 8
Pink RobinChloe 8,
Spinifex PigeonChloe, 8
Variegated Fairy WrenChloe, 8
White-headed PigeonHannah, 11
Fairy Penguin on Montague IslandHanna, 11
PeacockHannah, 11
Victorian Crowned PigeonHannah, 11
Wedge-tailed EagleHannah, 11
Wompoo Fruit DoveLotte, 8
Rainbow Nature FeatherMilla, 11
Curious GeorgeMilla, 11
I Wonder What These Taste Like?Milla, 11
Blue Eggs, Brown NestMilla, 11
Goodbye Rain, Yellow SunshineMilla, 11
Peeking Through the LeavesChloe, 8
Spotted PardalotteChloe, 8
Wompoo DoveIsabella, 7
Chicken MamaJaquin, 10
Parrot EatingElijah, 15
Nature’s Way
Camouflage/Hide & Seek
Need some camouflage inspiration for motivation? Try this Camouflage Collage inspired by Erica Wagner.
Sacha, 13yrs
Twany Frogmouth in GumsJo Brienna, 13yrs
A Frog in Our Fig TreeDeborah
At Home in the BushLilliana, 6
Jellyfish with Red Sea UrchinsLilliana, 6
The Very Spotty KoalaChloe, 8
Hide and Seek in the BushHannah, 11
Australian landscape with Camouflaged AnimalsHannah, 11
Zebra FinchEvangeline, 10
King of CamouflageLorchan, 10
I’m Watching YouAddison, 7
The Secret Life of Bugs and Fairies
Creepy Crawlies
This Bug Symmetry idea is great for this theme. Come give it a go!
9-12yrs 6-8yrs 12yrs Hannah, 11
Ulysses ButterflySarah, 10
Shelob’s LairFelix, 5
Mr Snail
Bright & Beautiful
Would you like to give String Art ago? It’s perfect for the Bright & Beautiful art theme.
Brienna, 13yrs
Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful.Stella, 10yrs
Bee HappySethia, 10
Turbo ToquatusMusa, 7
My Little Sister and a Humpback LobtailingBetha, 4
Betha and the WhaleLilliana, 6
Rainbow Over the GardenLilliana, 6
Little Clown Fish in Coral ReefLilliana, 6
The Flower Crown FoxLilliana, 6
The SeahorseEvangeline, 10
Jungle QueenEvangeline, 10
An Aussie SummerEvangeline, 10
Princess ProteaChloe, 8
Azure KingfisherChloe, 8
Sunset at the beachHannah, 11
Rainbow at UluruHannah, 11
Seals at SunriseHannah, 11
Splendid Fairy Wren Nest with KangarooAnya, 9
Ornithoptera priamus euphorion
Carins Birdwing
This gives me the shivers!
Get your hands dirty and paint with mud. This activity is so much fun, even for adults. Give it a go and send us your mud paint masterpiece.
Abigail, 12yrs
Beware!Noah, 6
Don’t Bite!