This year we decided to create Phenology Wheels.
To be honest with you until a few weeks ago I didn’t even know what they were.
But, when I saw my first one, I fell in love.
Phenology is the study of plant and animal cycles, and what an amazing way to record these natural cycles in a beautifully illustrated wheel.
I’ve always struggle to find the time to keep a nature journal, this seemed like a great way to record the year.
We have created our wheels on A2 art paper, and will be using watercolour and permanent fine point makers.
To start we drew a large circle and then divided it into the sections we would need for headings and illustrations.
We decided to have an inner circle for the aboriginal seasons in our area. (You can find the information for this at The title for this and our familiar seasons came next, then an area for illustrating and lastly the month title.
When the page was ready we all chose what to draw for January.
Jo: Wife, Home-school Mum and Homemaker.
Note: Lynn Seddon from Raising Little Shoots has created an image guide on how to set up a phenology wheel. It’s fantastic! It’s inspired us to make our own Southern Hemisphere phenology wheels with an Australian twist by adding indigenous seasons in the inner circle. You can find her Phenology Wheel Guide here.
What a fabulous idea! Can’t wait to give it a go. Thank you
It is a lovely idea!