Australian Nature Study | Autumn/Winter | Volume 2


Engage your senses on a nature watch walk and become enraptured by the amazing world surrounding you. Forage for mushrooms (or don’t!) and admire their uniqueness. Watch as the leaves turn golden as the season turns chilly and explore ponds for turtles. Learn about Giant Earthworms while digging up your own to investigate. Laugh at the Lyrebird’s version of remixing songs and you’ll be amazed with ancient moss facts. Venture out in the dark to observe possums and enjoy wattles as they begin to blossom.

The Australian Nature Study Guide is a Charlotte Mason based program designed to encourage nature exploration through the seasons.  The themes we’ll explore in the Autumn/Winter Guide are:

  • Nature Watch
  • Field Mushrooms
  • Autumn Tree Study
  • Long-necked Turtles and Autumn Pond Study
  • Giant Earthworms
  • Superb Lyrebird
  • Moss
  • Winter Solstice
  • Possums
  • Wattles



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