Australian Nature Study | Summer/Autumn | Volume 1


Come walk with me as we observe honeybees, search for Blue-tongue lizards, explore amphibian metamorphosis and investigate the habitat of a summer tree. We’ll creep up to Golden Orb spiders, attracted Emperor Gum moths to examine, watch Jacky Winters capture bugs in the air and hunt for bandicoots. We’ll touch on our native bush food and celebrate the Autumnal Equinox with sky watching. It’s a joy to observe the seasons pass while connecting with our unique Aussie wildlife together.

The Australian Nature Study Guide is a Charlotte Mason based program designed to encourage nature exploration through the seasons. The themes we’ll explore in the Summer/Autumn guide are:

  • Honeybees
  • Blue-tongue Lizards
  • Summer Tree Study
  • Spotted Grass Frogs
  • Jacky Winter
  • Kangaroo Apple/Bush Tucker
  • Bandicoot
  • Autumnal Equinox
  • Emperor Gum Moth
  • Golden Orb Weaver Spider




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